Whilst I might have been out training every day for 50 days and posting daily updates to FB I haven’t managed to be quite so conscientious with my Blog. There are only so many hours in the day and whilst I have been trying to get the miles in I have also trying to make sure that I still spend some quality time with my family (as well as manage the B&B).
So … my first piece of advice is that if you want to know what I have been doing please take a look at my FB page (Everest Expedition) which has been used for the purposes of updating about my training and the donations I have been receiving for the families of the staff who died last month.
I’ll be starting out on my mega Lakes triathlon Friday evening 24th July at 18:00 with a cycle round The Fred Whitton route from Keswick and back to Keswick. After that I’ll be in Derwentwater for 2 lenghts of the lake followed by the Bob Graham Round. As a few people have said just one of these events is big. 2 together is gruelling but all 3, back to back, is insane. And now, as the time approaches for the event to start, I can whole heartedly agree.
The forthcoming event. Black shows The Fred Whitton (112 miles over 6 Lakeland passes), blue shows the openwater swim (5.5 miles in Derwentwater) and the red shows the Bob Graham Round (66 miles across 42 Lakeland Peaks). I’m aiming to do it ALL, back to back, in under 48 hours! |
The reason for the event is to raise money to put some children through school. They are the children of my staff who died whilst I was on Everest this year. They were supposedly safe down at Base Camp and the unprecedented happened when the avalanche that was triggered by the earthquake swept away Everest Base Camp. In Nepal there isn’t the social security and child benefit that we might qualify for. There is insurance … but the families will have possibly spent this on the puja for their funerals. The wives probably (almost certainly) haven’t got careers of their own. So … I’m cycling and swimming and running in the hope that you might feel my effort worthy of a donation.
You can easily donate by going to https://www.justgiving.com/timmosedale/
So far I have managed to raise around £35,000 – which I am very humbled by. But to put 6 children who are of school age through classes for an average of 10 years each is going to take at least £50,000 because I don’t want to start their education and not be able to finish it. Along with other families who have fallen on hard times and are in need of their house being rebuilt or some financial support I estimate that £100,000 is a healthy, and achievable, target.
The charity that the funds will be going to is http://www.supportingnepalschildren.org.uk/ and they will make sure that 100% of donations received via my cause are passed on to pay for school fees or go to families affected. No commission, no admin fees – just money from you to where it is supposed to go.
Some of the training I did |
And here’s a whole load of photos of me out and about. Sometimes alone but often I have been lucky to have been out with some great mates. They, and the donations that have come in, have really spurred me on.
All I need to do is put it all together!!!