Climb Nuptse 2025 / 2026

A fully inclusive KTM to KTM Nuptse expedition including all accommodation, all meals, a superb 2½ week trekking and acclimatisation itinerary, individual Base Camp tents, excellent Base Camp services, all logistics and supplies on the hill, oxygen, Western Leader, a Climbing Sherpa team and all the necessary rope and fixing gear.
Have a look at the full list of inclusions
With over 50 expeditions under his belt, including 10 on Everest and 19 expeditions on Ama Dablam, you can rest assured you are in experienced hands. Tim Mosedale has summited Everest 7 times including making successful ascents from both sides of the mountain and making a double summit in one season. He has also summited Lhotse and Cho Oyu as well as a whole range of other ascents in Nepal and elsewhere. Have a look at the feedback to find out why you should consider coming along on one of the best Lhotse expeditions with Tim.
Climb Nuptse for only US$29,750
A chance to join an expedition on Nuptse at incredible value. This is a fully inclusive, fully supported expedition with ample Climbing Sherpas to ensure suitable ratios on the mountain. Oxygen is included in the price (deduct US$750 for oxygen free ascent) and a 1:1 Climbing Sherpa ratio from Camp 3 for summit day. And just because it’s cheaper than elsewhere doesn’t mean that corners have been cut or safety compromised. Read on ….
At US$29,750, this one of the best value Nuptse Expeditions around.
So why is it cheaper compared to some of the prices you may have seen?
Well as you are probably already aware I don’t have an office, administrative staff, networked computers, a company car or a brochure and so my overheads are much lower.
But please rest assured that I am extremely professional about what I do and I endeavour to provide as good a service, if not better, as any of the other expedition companies.
If you require a testimonial from clients from previous expeditions please have a look at their feedback or if you want to speak to them directly please contact me and I will put you in touch.
So who is it for?
I am trying to recruit people who I think have the right approach and demeanor and have the kind of drive, motivation and ambition to achieve a summit attempt on Nuptse. That is then tempered with trying to recruit a team of people who all have the right characteristics and personalities to form a strong, safe and dynamic team.
The route to Camp 3 is generally quite straightforward but from Camp 3 onwards to the summit there is not really any respite from the vertical environment. Strength and tenacity are definitely required as is stamina and determination.
If you would like to join them I’m afraid that it won’t be as simple a just signing a cheque. I will need to have a comprehensive mountaineering cv from you, I will definitely need to chat to you and preferrably we will meet as well. Indeed the kind of cv I am looking for for Nuptse would have a far greater range of experience than for Everest or Lhotse. It’s quite a big undertaking and is not for the feint hearted.
I’ll make it as comfortable and as fun as possible for the team at Base Camp – it’s a harsh and arduous environment and it’s tough enough already without having people who don’t get along so well. More so the higher we go.
I suppose that it would be fair for me to say that I am trying to give you the opportunity to come along on the mountain in a similar style to how I climbed Everest from the North side in 2005 – a bunch of mates on a BIG mountain rather than a group of disparate clients. This certainly worked for the Everest teams in 2011 & 2013 and beyond and we had a great trip each time with excellent success rates.
If you are not aware I try and make sure that my trips are fun and safe as well as being comfortable and relaxed when having down time – having said that it is a very serious business and we aren’t there on a jolly. But at least when we are having some down time let’s make sure that it is enjoyable. When on the hill you won’t drink enough, eat enough or sleep enough so it’s very important that we enjoy Base Camp and the extra luxuries that are provided.
I will encourage people to carry less on Nuptse than I usually do on, say, my Ama Dablam trips. Ama Dablam is a much lower and shorter expedition and I try and give people a sense of ownership of the trip. On Nuptse, however, there will be less for you to carry because of the sheer size of the mountain, the elevations that you will be operating at and the longevity of the trip. You will still have ownership of the trip in other ways, I just don’t want to jeopardise your health and well being by making it any harder than it already is.
Having said that there is also the opportunity for people to get actively involved with some load carrying from Camp 2 round to Camp 3 and there is also the chance to get involved with assisting the Climbing Sherpas with load carrying and fixing above Camp 3.
This is unusual because on Lhotse and Everest clients are not allowed anywhere near the fixing team. On Nuptse, however, I think if you do a bit of humping and dumping there is a greater reward and sense of achievement at the end. This is an excellent chance to really get your teeth in to it and play your part. But for those who are not so inclined then perhaps resting and acclimatising at Camp 2 would be the better option.
And because our team will be fixing the mountain we will have full control over the itinerary. There won’t be any confusion about where the Climbing Sherpas have reached or what day the fixing team are thinking of heading up which often happens on Everest. We will be fully in the picture and fully involved.
Please remember, though, just because you apply doesn’t mean that you will be accepted (why not?).
Experience at moderate altitude is preferred but not necessarily essential – it is appreciated that not everyone has the time to build up a huge mountaineering CV. However there is definitely the need to be strong on the hill and have plenty of long mountain days under your belt. The main prerequisites required for an Nuptse expedition are :-
- It is essential that you are absolutely competent in the use of crampons and ice axe before you come on the trip
- You are an independent climber and mountaineer in your own right and can make safe and learned decisions about the skills required for certain situations (for instance, you know when and how to abseil, you don’t need telling that it is getting dark and that it would be a good idea to get your headtorch on, you generally remember to apply suncream before it is required, you appreciate that water is more important than food and food more important than sleep when you first arrive at a camp – more on these and other issues to follow during discussions on the trek in)
- You will turn around – even if you are only 30 minutes from the summit of Nuptse – if the decision is made for you
- I’ll just repeat that one. You will turn around – even if you are only 30 minutes from the summit of Nuptse – if the decision is made for you
Apart from that I am looking to appeal to those of you out there who want to climb one of the the highest that there is. It’s a great achievement that will live with you for the rest of your life.
And what is next?
If you are at all interested and wish to discuss this further then please do not hesitate to get in touch.
You can e mail on tim mosedale at gmail . com or telephone on 017687 71050 or 07980 521079
There are ample further notes for perusal so please have a look around the site and don’t hesitate to get in touch for further information if you require it.
If you have friends who would like to accompany you on the trek in then please refer them to the Everest Base Camp Trek page.
I look forward to hearing from you and hope that you will come and join us for your trip of a lifetime.
In the meantime ‘Live the Dream’
Yours – Tim Mosedale